How To Play Drop In The Ocean On Piano

How To Play Drop In The Ocean - Drop In The Ocean Sargam Notes How To Play Drop In The Ocean On Piano

Are you looking for a way to take your piano playing to the next level? If so, learning how to play the hit song Drop In The Ocean on piano is a great place to start!

Getting Started with the Basics

Before you jump into learning the song, it's important to get acquainted with the basics of the piano. In particular, you should understand the layout of the keys on the piano, the basic hand positions used when playing different chords, and when to play the appropriate key and chord. If you're new to the piano, it may be helpful to try out a few beginner lessons first to get accustomed to the instrument. Another helpful tool is to use piano tutorials available on YouTube, which can help you quickly learn the basics.

Learn the Chords

Now that you feel comfortable playing the basics, it's time to learn the chords needed for the song. Drop In The Ocean has several different chords, each with a slightly different sound. You can learn how to play these chords by looking up sheet music online or using a piano tutor. It's important to practice these chords until you feel comfortable and can play them smoothly.

Play Along with the Original

Once you have a handle on the chords, you can begin playing along with the original version of Drop In The Ocean. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and take your time. If you get stuck on a particular part, just stop and practice it until you feel comfortable moving on. Learning to play the song by hearing it can be a great way to really internalize the melody, progressions, and timing of the piece.

Create Your Own Variations

Once you have learned to play the song in its original form, you can then start to explore and create new variations. This could include experimenting with different tempos, chords, and progressions. You can also embellish your playing by incorporating styles and techniques from other genres. Remember, it doesn't have to be perfect - just have fun with it and feel free to get creative!


Once you have mastered your version of Drop In The Ocean, be sure to share it with your friends and family. You may even have a clip to post on social media or add to your music portfolio. Not to mention, you are giving yourself the opportunity to share your art and make a statement. With a little practice and dedication, there's no telling how far you can take your piano playing!


Learning to play Drop In The Ocean on piano is a great way to take your piano playing to new heights. It's important to start by getting familiar with the basics and then learn the chords of the song. Then you can practice playing along with the original version and create your own variations. Finally, share your masterpiece with the world!

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