In What Sense Is Energy From Coal Actually Solar Energy

Govt's love-hate relation with solar energy; gives boost to coal In What Sense Is Energy From Coal Actually Solar Energy

Coal: The Solar Energy Behind Coal Power

When we look at energy sources, it is easy to discount coal due to its environmental impact. But it is important to recognize the connection between our energy sources and the larger picture of renewable energy such as solar. In fact, not all coal is created equal and some is actually a form of solar power. It is important to understand the complexity between energy sources and how they are all connected to each other in some way.

Where Does Coal Come From?

Most people think of coal as coming from mines, but in truth coal is actually a fossil fuel that has been slowly generated over millions of years. Plant material from hundreds of million of years ago was covered over and slowly converted into coal. This means that although the coal is a form of nonrenewable energy, its origins are from plants that harvested the sun’s energy in their photosynthesis.

The process of coal formation is incredibly slow and takes around one million years to create a single inch of coal. As the plant material from hundreds of millions of years ago is covered, the oxygen and hydrogen gets removed and the carbon remains. This slowly builds in layers, eventually turning into the coal that we recognize today.

What Is the Connection to Solar Energy?

Once we understand where coal actually comes from, the connection between coal and solar energy start to become clear. By relying on the plant material that was harvested by the sun’s energy, coal is in some sense a form of solar energy.

The solar energy that was harvested by the plants of the past is transferred into our current energy sources. This means that the sun’s energy is being used even when we don’t realize it. In some ways, coal power is just a form of ‘stored’ solar energy.

What Does This Mean for Our Energy Sources?

When it comes to energy sources, coal is one that can be difficult to stomach. Its environmental impact is one that cannot be ignored and there is a need to transition towards more renewable energy sources. But this does not mean that all forms of coal power should be immediately dropped. In some cases, if coal is done right, it can be a form of solar energy and should be treated as such.

In order to ensure that coal is managed properly, we must start to recognize the solar energy behind coal. This means instituting regulations that hold coal power companies responsible for their pollution levels and ensuring that the solar energy behind coal is not completely disregarded.

What Is Possible?

When it comes to our energy sources, coal is not always going to be the best solution. But recognizing the connection between solar energy and coal can help businesses make more responsible decisions. With stricter regulations and an understanding of how solar energy is connected to coal, we can potentially utilize the sun’s energy in a smarter way.

For businesses that rely on coal, this could mean making an effort to reduce pollution levels with cleaner burning technologies. For citizens, we can start to recognize how coal is connected to solar energy and make conscious decisions on how we use energy sources.

The Solar Energy Behind Coal

Although coal is typically thought of as a nonrenewable source of energy, there is a connection to solar energy that many of us do not recognize. By understanding how coal is actually a form of stored solar energy, we can start to make more conscious decisions when it comes to our energy sources. With the proper regulations and understanding of the solar energy behind coal, we can potentially make great strides towards a smarter and more responsible usage of energy sources.

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