What Happens If I Get In An Accident Out-of-state

What Happens if I get Hurt in a Car Accident in Another State? What Happens If I Get In An Accident Out-of-state

What If I Get in an Accident Out-of-State

Have you made an out-of-state road trip before? Whether it’s to visit family or explore America’s hidden gems, road trips can be fun and exhilarating. But what might not come to mind is the question – what happens if I get into an accident out-of-state? Well, let’s explore that.

It’s Not Like Home

When you’re out-of-state, not knowing the laws of the land is commonplace. Though some laws across all 50 states are similar, it’s important to be aware of where you are and the potential consequences should an accident occur. For instance, if you’re in California and you happen to hit a car behind you, that could mean you’re at fault. In turn, you could be held responsible for the monetary or property damage.

But in other states, New York for example, the “Pure Comparative Negligence” law may apply. This means that if you were 30 percent responsible for the accident, you may only be liable for 30 percent of the damages. It’s always best to learn all you can about the rules and regulations once you enter a new state.

Car Insurance Is a Must

No matter where you’re driving, having valid car insurance is always essential. If you don’t have it and get into an accident, you may have to pay court costs or medical bills. All of this can add up quickly and you don’t want to have that type of debt in the long run.

If you’re crossing state lines, make sure to update your insurance policy to reflect that. Most basic coverage is only valid in your home state, so speak to your insurance provider for more information. However, there are some companies that offer coverage that is good across multiple states and it’s always worthwhile to check this out.

Protect Yourself

Though it’s a busy world, make sure to take extra precautions when you’re out there. The risk of an accident is higher when you’re in unfamiliar territory, so be sure to stay alert at all times. Wear your seatbelt, stick to the speed limit, and always be aware of your surroundings.

In the event of an accident, it’s important to stay calm. Remember, you’re in an unfamiliar place, so it’s not necessary to overreact. Take a deep breath, ensure that everyone in the car is okay, and asses the situation from there.

The Takeaway

Long road trips can be enjoyable and exciting, but they can also come with unpleasant surprises. It’s highly recommended to do some research prior to traveling and to learn the specific laws in the state you’re visiting. Remember to always update your insurance coverage and travel with valid documents. During the trip, look out for the safety of yourself and those around you. By following these tips, you can make sure you and your car remain safe.

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