What Does Rainsford Do To Escape From The General

‘The Most Dangerous Game’ Would Be Easy and Lucrative, So Adapt it What Does Rainsford Do To Escape From The General

Escaping the General: A Tale of Survival

In the short story The Most Dangerous Game, by Richard Connell, the main character Rainsford must use every bit of his wit and courage to survive the hunt set upon him by the ruthless General Zaroff. With his life on the line, Rainsford must actively search for ways to outwit his pursuer without being killed in the process. In this article, I will explore the clever tactics Rainsford used to escape the General Zaroff’s hunt and learn life-saving lessons in the process.

Unexpected Allies

In a plan of desperation, Rainsford attempts to find an ally in the Swamp’s malicious inhabitants. To his surprise, he finds that some of the animals of the island exhibit sympathetic behavior towards him and are willing to help in his escape. As a result, he builds a raft to travel through the swamp as quickly as possible, all while being protected by the creatures of the island. This proves to be extremely effective, and helps distract and confound General Zaroff’s pursuit.

Furthermore, Rainsford even allies himself with a jaguar in his quest of survival; the jaguar helps to harass and chase General Zaroff, giving Rainsford an added edge. This goes to show that in a time of distress, one should never underestimate the willingness of unseen allies to help in their cause. After all, it is “a dog eat dog world”.

Know Thy Enemy

An important move on Rainsford’s part was his attempt to understanding his pursuer's goals and habits. By fully understanding the General’s methods, he could more carefully craft his own tactics to survive the hunt. He took this a step further when he tricked General Zaroff into thinking that Rainsford himself had joined the hunt; this disorientment gave him a few precious moments to continue his escape.

These lessons, though showing Rainsford’s quick and crafty thinking, also impart a lesson for us: always be prepared. In this case, being well informed on the facts of the situation gave Rainsford the power to take control of his own fate and make decisions for himself.

Playing Offense

Rainsford also understood the power of going on the offensive: he took advantage of General Zaroff’s own hunting strategies and instincts to his own advantage. Rainsford rigged a few traps of his own on the island, knowing that General Zaroff would be the one to unwittingly end up triggering them.

Most importantly, Rainsford found a way to use his surroundings to his advantage. He even ensnared the pursuer in his own snare: General Zaroff’s eagerness in the hunt was no match for his own slipperiness and cunning. By utilizing his environment to his benefit, Rainsford could play the long-game, catching the General off guard and causing his own downfall.

A Never-Ending Hunt

Though this fantastical story of survival does end in the victory of Rainsford, it is important to remember the lessons contained within it for our own purposes: be prepared, build allies, know how to take advantage of the environment, and study your adversary’s intentions. Rainsford’s success comes from his strong understanding of the environment he was placed in, his willingness to think on his feet and manipulate the situation. The story of “The Most Dangerous Game”, though fictional, is still applicable to our lives in many ways.

At the end of the day, survival is all about preparing for the worst and using every bit of knowledge you can to get ahead. With this in mind, Rainsford’s successful escape from the General serves not only as a powerful story of courage and wit, but also as great guidance for our own life’s perilous journey.

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