What Happens When You Get A Dui Without A License

Have you ever wondered what happens when you get caught driving under the influence of alcohol without a license? Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of driving without the proper documentation and end up in a lot of trouble. The consequences of driving without a license are serious and the penalties can be tough. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what can happen and how to avoid the negative consequences of a DUI without a license.
What Constitutes a DUI?
A DUI, or Driving Under the Influence, occurs when a person drives with a blood-alcohol content (BAC) higher than a state’s legal limit. Generally, this is 0.08 percent BAC. The states that have legalized recreational marijuana have also adopted a legal limit per se for marijuana-related DUIs. In some states, a zero-tolerance rule applies, meaning that any presence of alcohol or drugs can be considered a DUI.
Regardless of whatever substance is involved—alcohol, marijuana, pharmaceuticals, or an illicit drug—a DUI charge is serious business; and when no license is present during the incident, the consequences become more severe.
Penalties for Driving Under the Influence Without a License
Having no license won’t change the fact that a person can still face serious criminal penalties for driving under the influence. In most states, a first-time DUI without a license is a misdemeanor and can incur a jail sentence of up to 6 months and a fine of up to $1,000. In some states, other punishments may include having the car seized and forfeited or the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID).
In states where the law is particularly strict, those convicted of a DUI without a license can face elevated criminal charges, including but not limited to felony charges. Felony DUIs can result in prison sentences of anywhere from 1 year to life, depending on the jurisdiction and whether anyone was injured in the incident.
Aside from the physical penalties, having a DUI on your record without a license can make it especially difficult to obtain one in the future for a long span of time. Some states will refuse to issue a driver’s license for a period of 3-5 years after a DUI conviction, and even then the offender may have to submit to specific requirements and evaluations in order to be granted full permission to drive again.
Additional Penalties for a DUI Without a License
If you’re pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence without a valid license, you can expect to also face DUI-related administrative penalties. Depending on the state, you might have to:
- Pay an administrative fee on top of the criminal charges
- Attend mandatory DUI classes
- Apply for a new license after the DUI expungement period ends
- Apply for an SR-22 for a period of time, or until the DUI is removed from your convictions record
- Install an IID in your vehicle
Some laws require that the license be taken away indefinitely depending on the severity of the offense.
Avoid Driving Under the Influence
The best way to avoid a DUI without a license is to not drink and drive in the first place. By doing so, you’ll avoid the legal, financial, and personal repercussions of getting a DUI, with or without a valid license. In addition, if you are worried that you might drive drunk or otherwise impaired, there are services available that can get you and your vehicle home safely without breaking the law.
If you know someone who is considering driving under the influence or who has been charged, reach out to them and get them the help they need. In addition to professional substance abuse counseling and treatment, AA and NA meetings can provide them support, understanding, and guidance. There are many paths to managing or eliminating substance use disorder; the most important thing is that they don’t have to rely on a car and an expired license to find their way.
Driving under the influence without a valid license is a serious crime that can have lifelong implications. Aside from the criminal charges, those convicted of DUI without a license face an uphill battle when it comes to restoring their driving privileges. Avoid driving under the influence, and utilize the resources available if you are concerned that you—or someone else—would endanger themselves or others by getting behind the wheel while impaired.
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