What To Do When Furnace Goes Out In Winter

What to do When Your Furnace Goes Out in the Winter
As the temperatures start to drop during the winter months, it can be a shocking surprise for a homeowner when their furnace goes out. What do you do when your furnace dies and the temperatures start to drop? Here are some steps to take when your furnace stops working.
Check Electrical Connections
The first thing you should check if your furnace stops working is the electrical connections. This means turning off the main power switch and ensuring none of the cords have been unplugged. This could be the cause for why the furnace is not working. If any cords are off, you should plug them back in and try turning on the furnace again. If the furnace is still not working, then it is time to call a heating professional.
Check the Thermostat
If the furnace is not working, it is important to check the thermostat. Make sure that the thermostat is set to “heat mode” and is set to a temperature higher than the room temperature. If the thermostat settings are correct, make sure the system is turned on and that the batteries are still working. If the batteries are dead, you must replace them in order for the thermostat to function properly.
Try Resetting the Furnace
The last thing to check is to reset the furnace. Look for the reset switch, which should be located on or near the furnace. If you find the switch, press and hold it for 10 seconds, and then release it. Wait for the furnace to start working again, which it may take a few moments to turn on. If it still does not come on, then it likely requires a professional inspection.
Call for Professional Assistance
If none of the steps above work, then it is time to call for help. Unlike minor issues, problems with the furnace usually need the assistance of a certified heating technician. A technician can find the root cause of why the furnace is not working and can perform the necessary repairs. In the meantime, use alternative forms of heat to stay warm.
Look for Warning Signs
Look for warning signs that may have caused or contributed to the furnace shutting off. This could include signs of struggling, such as loud noises, a major temperature drop, or uncharacteristic smells. If you notice unusual behaviour from the furnace, even if it does not fully shut down, it is still best to consult a technician for an inspection.
Perform Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance is the best way to keep your furnace in top condition. Scheduled maintenance will help to ensure your furnace is running efficiently and can prevent any major problems. Doing this can also prolong the lifespan of the furnace, saving you money in the future.
Know Your System
You should also have a basic knowledge of your furnace system. Learn the make and model, age, and features that may be beneficial. This knowledge can help quickly identify a potential problem and shorten the process for when a professional is called. It would also be wise to review your local fire codes to ensure you have the necessary safety features in place.
Purchase New Systems
Finally, if multiple issues continually occur with your furnace, it may be time to consider replacing. In this case, you should contact a technician to inspect the system and give an unbiased opinion. This may be the best way to determine whether investing a few hundred dollars into repairs is worth it or if it is better to install an entirely new system.
When a furnace goes out, it can be a stressful and cold time for the entire family. However, knowing what steps to take when this happens can make a huge difference. Keep these tips in mind and remember to call a professional if needed. With the right maintenance and regular inspections, your furnace can be a reliable source of heat during those cold winter nights.
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