Why Is My Car Accident Claim Going To Arbitration

5 Advantages of Settling Your Claim Through a Car Accident Arbitration Why Is My Car Accident Claim Going To Arbitration

Picture this: you’ve just been through a life-altering trauma – a car accident. You’re seriously injured, your vehicle is totalled, and you’re facing a mountain of medical bills, repair costs, and other financial losses. What’s worse, the negligent driver is denying liability for the crash. Now you have to ponder the question: why is my car accident claim going to arbitration?

What Is Arbitration?

Arbitration is a method of dispute resolution in which a neutral third-party helps resolve disputes between parties. In arbitration, the parties present their sides of the story to an independent third-party who then renders a decision. Unlike court cases, where the proceedings are public and the decision is made by a judge or jury, arbitration decisions are generally confidential and binding.

The types of disputes that may be resolved via arbitration include contract disputes, business disputes, insurance claims, and personal injury claims. Car accident claims are often sent to arbitration, especially if the negligent driver is claiming that they were not at fault for the accident.

The Advantages of Arbitration

Even though car accident arbitration may seem daunting, there are several advantages. First, the arbitrator’s decision is final and binding, meaning that the parties must abide by the arbitrator’s ruling. Second, arbitration is usually less expensive and quicker than litigation or settling out of court, and it is less formal. Third, arbitration generally allows for more flexibility of resolution when compared to litigation.

Additionally, arbitration is often confidential, and the proceedings are typically not public record. This means that the parties are able to keep their dispute private. Finally, arbitration generally offers more flexibility in terms of how the dispute will be resolved. For example, arbitration may involve a single arbitrator or a panel, while litigation is restricted to just one judge.

How Does Arbitration Work?

Arbitration works by having the parties to the dispute present their cases to an independent third-party (the arbitrator) appointed by the court. The arbitrator then makes a decision and issues a written opinion. The decision of the arbitrator is legally binding and can’t be overturned by the court, unless it’s determined that there was a bias in the decision. The parties have control over the evidence that’s presented and the procedures used during the arbitration.

The arbitration process can be as informal or formal as the parties choose to make it. If the parties wish to keep the process informal, the arbitration may be conducted by telephone or in a private meeting with the arbitrator. On the other hand, if the parties want a more formal process, they can use discovery procedures and pre-hearing motions to help resolve their dispute.

Why Is My Car Accident Claim Going to Arbitration?

Your car accident claim is likely going to arbitration because the negligent driver is denying liability. Arbitration is a common way to resolve car accident disputes since it allows the parties to present their cases without having to go through a lengthy legal process. Furthermore, arbitration is usually less expensive and quicker than court proceedings.

If you are facing a car accident arbitration, it is important to do your research and contact an experienced car accident lawyer to help you navigate the process. An experienced attorney can walk you through the process and help ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and the damage to your vehicle.


Car accident claims often go to arbitration when the negligent driver is denying liability. Although arbitration can be daunting, it offers several advantages including faster resolution and more flexibility than traditional court proceedings. If you find yourself in a situation where you are wondering why is my car accident claim going to arbitration, remember to do your research and contact a qualified car accident lawyer to help you through the process.

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